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Sims 4 Cheat Codes: Money ,Skill ,Relationship And More

The sims 4 cheats

How to Open The Sims 4 Cheat Console

In order to use cheats in The Sims 4, you’ll first need to open the cheat console. To activate it:

On PC, hold CTRL and Shift, then press C.
On Mac, hold Command and Shift, then press C.
On PlayStation 4, hold all four shoulder buttons at once.
On Xbox One, hold all four shoulder buttons at once.

Once opened, the cheat console will appear as a thin box at the top of the screen. Into that, you can type any of the cheats below or on other pages. To close the cheat console, simply press the same keys or buttons.
help – gives you the full list of command and cheat codes

Here is a summary on how to open the cheat console:

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift  + C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter the code- this depends on what you need , see below.
  4. Press Esc to close the search console.

The Sims 4 money cheats

kaching – instantly gives you 1,000 simoleans
rosebud – also gives you 1,000 simoleans
motherlode – gives you 50,000 simoleans
Money {number} -Change funds from household to an exact number
sims.modify_funds [amount] – Adds a specific amount of money to a household

The Sims 4 Career Promotion Cheats

careers.add_career[name] – Gives your Sim any chosen career (enter name of career not Sim)
careers.demote[name] – Lets you demote your selected Sim (enter name of career not Sim)
careers.promote[name] – Gives your selected Sim a promotion (enter name of career not Sim)
careers.promote Business- Get promoted in the Business career – Management & Investor
careers.promote Painter -Get promoted in the Painter career – Master of the Real & Patron of the Arts

The Sims 4 Fill Need Cheats

sims.fill_all_commodities – Maxes out a single Sim’s needs
stats.fill_all_commodities_household – Maxes out the whole household’s needs
sims.modify_in_cas – Allows you to edit your Sim in Create a Sim
fillmotive motive_[name] – Fill the [name] need of a Sim

fillmotive motive_Energy
fillmotive motive_Hunger
fillmotive motive_Social
fillmotive motive_Fun

The Sims 4 Technical Cheats

resetsim [Sim name] – Resets your chosen Sim, just as you could with The Sims 3
fullscreen – Toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode
FreeRealEstate on – A handy cheat that makes all neighborhood lots free
FPS on/off – Displays the game’s current framerate
headlineeffects on – Enables headline graphics
households.autopay_bills – Automatically pays your household bills

The Sims 4 Build/Buy Mode Cheats

bb.enablefreebuild – Allows you to build on otherwise locked lots like Science Lab, Police Station and Hospital
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – Allows you to ignore the restrictions placed on certain objects and styled rooms that are
bb.showhiddenobjects -Buy Debug mode (adds extra objects)
bb.moveobjects -combine objects by ignoring placement rules (Move Objects on)

Sims 4 Skill Cheats

Max Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Result is
stats.set_skill_level Major_Acting 10 Max out Acting skill
(The Sims 4 Get Famous)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Archaeology 10 Max out Archaeology skill
(The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Baking 10 Max out Baking skill
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Bowling 5 Max out Bowling skill
(The Sims 4 Bowling Night Stuff)
stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 Max out Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 5 Max out Dancing skill
(The Sims 4 Get Together)
stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ 10 Max out DJ skill
(The Sims 4 Get Together)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 Max out Charisma skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 Max out Comedy skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 Max out Fishing skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Fitness 10 Max out Fitness skill
stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_AdultMajor_FlowerArranging 10 Max out Flower Arranging skill
(The Sims 4 Seasons)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10 Max out Gardening skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10 Max out Gourmet Cooking skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10 Max out Guitar skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10 Max out Handiness skill (Woodworking, Pumpkin Carving)
​stats.set_skill_level Major_Herbalism 10 Max out Herbalism skill
(The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10 Max out Logic skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_Media 5 Max out Media Production skill
(The Sims 4 Get Famous)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10 Max out Mischief skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10 Max out Mixology skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10 Max out Painting skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Parenting 10 Max out Parenting skill
(The Sims 4 Parenthood)
stats.set_skill_level skill_Dog 5 Max out Pet Training skill
(The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Photography 10 Max out Photography skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10 Max out Piano skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_PipeOrgan 10 Max out Pipe Organ skill
(The Sims 4 Vampires)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10 Max out Programming skill
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Hidden_TreadMill 5 Max out Rock Climbing skill (This is a hidden skill)
(The Sims 4 Fitness Stuff)
stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10 Max out Rocket Science skill
stats.set_skill_level Minor_LocalCulture 5 Max out Selvadoradian Culture skill
(The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10 Max out Singing skill
(The Sims 4 City Living)
stats.set_skill_level Hidden_Skating 5 Max out Skating skill (This is a hidden skill)
(The Sims 4 Seasons)
stats.set_skill_level VampireLore 15 Max out Vampire Lore skill
(The Sims 4 Vampires)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Vet 10 Max out Vet skill
(The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs)
stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10 Max out Video Gaming skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10 Max out Violin skill
stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10 Max out Wellness skill
(The Sims 4 Spa Day)
stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10 Max out Writing skill
stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5
stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5
Max out Retail Skills
(The Sims 4 Get to Work)

Retail Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Result is
stats.set_skill_level retail_workethic 5 Max out a Sims Workethic Skill
stats.set_skill_level retail_maintenance 5 Max out a Sims Maintenance Skill
stats.set_skill_level retail_sales 5 Max out a Sims Sales Skill

Child Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Result is
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity 10 Max out Creativity skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental 10 Max out Mental skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor 10 Max out Motor skill for kids
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social 10 Max out Social skill for kids

Toddler Skill Cheats

Cheat Code Result is
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Communication 5 Max out Communication skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Imagination 5 Max out Imagination skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Movement 5 Max out Movement skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Potty 3 Max out Potty skill for toddlers
stats.set_skill_level Skill_Toddler_Thinking 5 Max out Thinking skill for toddlers

Aspiration Cheats

• Complete Aspiration’s Current Milestone and get Points.
Open the cheat console to type the code:

• Adds 100 satisfaction points.
The two cheats must be typed in sequence to add more satisfaction points:

sims.add_buff Points (followed by)
sims.remove_buff Points

Sims 4 cas cheat

CAS stands for Create a Sim. That is where you create your Sims and make families and such.
To activate the cheat:

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift  + C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter “cas.fulleditmode
  4. Press Esc to close the search console.
  5. Click on a sim while holding Shift down. You should get an “Modify in CAS” option.

You are able to Change everything from body to traits, names, voices and so on.
Once you are done, hit Okay on the bottom right to save the changes.

Sims 4 age up cheat

In cas mode, shift +click on the Sim you wish to age up and select “Modify in CAS.”
In here, you’ll see that you can input any age within the game that you’d like and that transition will happen immediately after.

Sims 4 pregnancy cheat

in Sims 4, an average adult or teen pregnancy last for around 3 days which is 72 hours.
Here is how you can activate the pregnancy cheat:

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift +C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter “Sims.add_buff buff_pregnancy_inlabor
  4. Press Esc to close the search console.

Once that’s typed in you can click on your pregnant Sim and they’ll instantly go into labor.
To select a specific sim with her name enter, sims.get_sim_id_by_name in the cheat command box.

Cheat Code Result is
Sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester1 For Day 1 (First Trimester)
Sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester2 For Day 2 (Second Trimester)
Sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_Trimester3 For Day 3 (Third Trimester)
Sims.add_buff Buff_Pregnancy_InLabor For Directly labor

Sims 4 satisfaction points cheat

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift +C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter “sims.give_satisfaction_points x” where x is the satisfaction value.
  4. Press Esc to close the search console

Example: sims.give_satisfaction_points 3000
Adds 3000 satisfaction points.

Sims 4 Relationship Cheats

Open the cheat console to type the code:
modifyrelationship Sim1name Sim2name value LTR

Sim1name,Sim2name: the names you want to change
value: the number you want in your relationship from 1-100.
LTR: LTR can be Friendship, romance or sim to pet

Few examples:
modifyrelationship David Goodman Ellena James 85 LTR_friendship_main
modifyrelationship David Goodman Ellena James 82 LTR_romance_main
modifyrelationship David Goodman Tommy 80 LTR_SimToPet_friendship_main

Cheat Code Result is
modifyrelationship FirstName LastName TargetsimFirstName TargesimtLastName (-100 to 100) Friendship/Romance_Main Customize Sims relationships.
modifyrelationship FirstName LastName TargetsimFirstName TargetsimLastName 100 Friendship_Main Makes Sims good friends.
modifyrelationship FirstName LastName TargetsimFirstName TargetsimLastName 100 Romance_Main Makes Sims soulmates.
relationships.create_friends_for_sim Spawn a sim for me.
relationship.introduce_sim_to_all_others Introduce sim with All sims

How to Use the Sims 4 Relationship Bit?

Open the cheat console to type the code:
relationship.add_bit sim1id sim2id relationshipbit
Where sim1id is your Sim id ,sim2id is the targeted sim id.

Available option for relationshipbit:
• romantic_married
• family_husband_wife
• family_parent
• family_brother_sister
• family_son_daughter
• family_grandchild

How to Destroy a Relationship in Sims 4?

To destroy a relationship in Sims 4, use the following cheat.
relationship.destroy sim1id sim2id
Where sim1id is your Sim id ,sim2id is the targeted sim id.

Sims 4 real estate cheats

Open the cheat console to type the code:
FreeRealEstate on

It will make all the lots in a neighbourhood free with the cheat code.
You can turn it off with FreeRealEstate off

Sims 4 Debug cheat

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift +C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter “bb.showhiddenobjects
  4. Press Esc to close the search console

Debug items will now be shown in your build and buy catalog.
Nothing happens when you hit enter after typing in bb.showhiddenobjects, you need to actually go to build buy to see if the items have appeared.
To sort these items you can type debug into the search bar above the image of the house in the bottom left corner.

Move Objects Cheat

The Move Objects Cheat enables you to create unique objects by combining two or more items. For example, grab a bed and some curtains and use the move object cheats to create a four-poster bed. You can use the cheat with any object too, so use your imagination.

  1. Type Ctrl+ Shift +C to bring up the game’s console.
  2. Enter “testingcheats true
  3. Enter “bb.moveobjects
  4. Enter “Ctrl+Shift+C” to close the dialog box
  5. To turn off the cheat, repeat steps 1-4.

Note, once the cheat is off, you can’t move the affected objects. If you do, the “moveobject” ability will be lost.

testingcheats true – Entering this enables shift-click cheats
When you shift-click a Sim or object, you’ll be given a few cheat options to choose from. These include:
Reset Object – Resets the selected Sim
Add to Family – Adds the selected Sim to the current household
Cheat Motive > Make Happy – Fills all need bars and gives current Sim a happy mood
Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay – Allows needs/motives to behave normally
Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay – Freezes need degradation
Modify in CAS – Edit selected Sim in Create a Sim, except for their name and inherited traits

More cheats

objects.consumables_infinite_toggle [true/false] – Makes all household consumables infinite supplies
sims.remove_all_buffs – Resets your Sim’s emotion state to “Fine”
Resetsim Firstname Lastname – Resets a stuck Sim back to the Home lot
fullscreen – Toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode
locked behind career promotions
objects.consumables_infinite_toggle – Gives you infinite amounts of consumables including the awesome Cow Plant milk and one-time use potions that you can buy with satisfaction points

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